Meet Information
Performance List -Team Split
Performance List - No Split
Lane Assignments -
In the event that you have any questions concerning the online registration process, please do the following in the order prescribed:
1. Check this link for any helpful tips:
2. Contact Chris Hawboldt at
Please do not wait until the last minute to get your entries submitted.
Deadline is October 17 at 8:59PM
Please note the new course we will be using with two loops on the 2nd
mile. Please make your runners aware of the changes in advance.
mile. Please make your runners aware of the changes in advance.

duPont Manual is hosting the 2A Region 3 meet on Saturday, Oct. 21st at Seneca Park (3151 Pee Wee Reese Rd, Louisville, KY 40207).
Please park buses across Rock Creek Drive in the parking lot by the basketball hoops. Please encourage parents to use all available parking around the perimeter of Seneca Park before diverting to side streets in surrounding neighborhoods. The race will be held just past the bathrooms on Rock Creek Drive. Please note that Rock Creek Drive will be closed during the races between Pee Wee Reese Rd. and Circle Hill Rd.
Please park buses across Rock Creek Drive in the parking lot by the basketball hoops. Please encourage parents to use all available parking around the perimeter of Seneca Park before diverting to side streets in surrounding neighborhoods. The race will be held just past the bathrooms on Rock Creek Drive. Please note that Rock Creek Drive will be closed during the races between Pee Wee Reese Rd. and Circle Hill Rd.
Registration - The link to register is and registration closes at 9:00 pm on Tues. Oct. 17th, 2023. Performance lists will be distributed by Wednesday, Oct. 18th 2023 and posted on the listserv by 9:00 pm. Any coach wishing to challenge a particular time shall have notified the Regional Manager by 9:00 pm on Thursday, Oct. 19th 2023. Regional instructions can be found at
Meet Schedule - is as follows:
- Coaches Meeting - 12:00 pm
- Girls - 12:30 pm
- Boys - 1:15 pm
- Awards to follow the boys race
Fifteen Minutes Before Start: First call. Teams are to be attheir assigned boxes and check in with Clerks. They may continue team meeting and run outs until the second call
Five Minutes Before Start: Second Call. At this time, teams are to report to their assigned boxes and stand behind the step-up line.There are no more run outs allowed. Final instructions to be given by the Starter. Please note that two 3A Regions will be competing prior and one 1A Region will be competing afterwards, so please consider when your athletes are warming up and cooling down. We will use the traditional Seneca Course with the exception of the hills on the backside which are no longer safe to compete on (see attached map).Participating Schools - Christian Academy-Louisville, DeSales, Doss, Henry County, Jeffersontown, Shelby County, Spencer County, Valley, Waggener, Western
Entry Fees - The entry fees will be $75 per team per gender to pay for Regional Awards, Park Rental, Timing Fees and other costs. Checks should be made payable to "duPont Manual Athletics". An invoice for your bookkeeper can be printed off the website. We will not be charging admission fees.Mail To:duPont Manual High School
ATTN: Tim Holman - Regional XC Manager120 W. Lee St.
Louisville, KY 40206
Team Check-in and Timing- David Flaugher (DC Race Timing) will be doing the timing and you willpick up your packets and declare your seven participating runners near the finish line when you arrive at the meet.
Regional Manager - Tim Holman, duPont Manual High School
Regional Officials - Roland Dale and Kenny Morton
Jury of Appeals - The Jury of Appeals will consist of three members, plus an alternate.We will select a jury of appeals on site. A copy of the TR110 Appeals form will be available, but feel free to print a copy or two of your ownInhaler Form - Please present a TR120 Inhaler form to the Referee before the meet for any athlete requiring the use of an inhaler on the premises. The form can be found here -
Tents - Tents are permitted to be set up in the park.
Trainer - There will be sports trainers from UL Health on site with limited supplies of water. Please advise your athletes to bring water as well
Awards - Medals will be awarded to the top 8 in each race, and the 1st and 2nd placeboys and girls teams will receive trophies. We will do an awards presentation after the boys race, once both boys and girls results have been tabulated.
Restrictions - Per KHSAA regulations, dogs are NOT allowed in the race venue. Please let your parents know this in advance. KHSAA rules also do not allow footballs, frisbees or other items to be thrown on site.
Apparel - Fine Designs will be selling apparel on site.
Teams/Runners advancing to the State Meet - Please note that team advancement will be based on who enters a full team*, not who shows up at the line so please have your team entries completed by Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 2023.
- 1 full team enters the Region Meet, 1 team advances.
- 2-3 full teams enter the Region Meet, 2 teams advance.
- 4-5 full teams enter the Region Meet, 3 teams advance.
- 6-7 full teams enter the Region Meet, 4 teams advance.
- 8-10 full teams enter the Region Meet, 5 teams advance.
- 11 or more full teams enter the Region Meet, 6 teams advance
- Plus top 5 individuals per race NOT on a team that qualifies for State.
*You are permitted to enter 10 runners, may run 7, however 5 runners constitute a full team
Looking forward to a great day of running and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Tim Holman
Head Cross Country Coach, duPont Manual High School
502-295-2822 (cell)